Here is a brief rundown of our Assimilation Process.
We want to make the process of connecting in to the Disciples Church family as helpful and meaningful as possible. At DC, we see being involved in church as way more than just attending Sunday services once in a while, or even regularly. We aim to be serious about following Jesus faithfully, and that means being connected and involved as a part of everyday life. So our assimilation process is about connecting you into the DC community, and preparing you for active participation as a member of the church in one of our Missional Community Groups.
People usually come along for a few Sundays as "visitors" just to get a feel for how we do things on Sundays. We encourage people not to rush in to making a quick decision about church involvement, but to be prayerful and deliberate about the choices you make.
Once you've decided that you'd like to push in a bit further and start to get connected at DC, we ask that you fill in and submit our Connect Form (it's also here on the App). This will help us start to get a picture of who you are, and what will be the best pathway as you continue to engage at DC.
Missional Community Groups
We want every member of Disciples Church to be involved in a Missional Community Group (MCG). Being part of a group means that you can be cared for, discipled, and participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. The aim of our assimilation process is two-fold: to give you everything you need to make a decision about joining Disciples Church, and to get you ready to join a MCG. Sometimes we might get someone from an MCG to simply start meeting up with you. For most though, we will ask you to be part of our Newcomers Group.
Newcomers Group
Our Newcomers Group is a place where you can connect with other newcomers who are also on the journey of becoming a part of Disciples Church. The Newcomers Group runs for one school term (about 7 weeks), so we are usually onboarding people four times a year.
During your time in our Newcomers Group, we will walk you through key aspects of our theology, our ministry philosophy (especially in relation to how our MCGs operate), our governance, our vision, and mission. This includes some homework videos where you get to hear about what may be distinctive about Disciples Church.
Once you have been through our Newcomers Group, our hope is that you will want to become part of the DC church family and become a member of the church. We will then connect you with one of our Missional Community Groups.
Church Membership
At Disciples Church we like to take membership seriously because we believe it is the Biblical attitude we should have. And so we encourage everyone to become a member of the church.
To be a member, you have to be a professing Christian, who has been baptised, who has watched the videos from Newcomers content, is cognizant of our theological convictions, is committed to participation in a Missional Community Group, is giving, and is willing to serve under the leadership of the DC Elders.
Becoming a member involves filling in and submitting a Membership Application form to the Elders. This form is available in the "Newcomers" section of the DC App.
Every month, the Elders of Disciples Church meet specifically for a night of prayer. On this night they prayer for every person in the church by name. So please know that they will be praying for you as you seek to get connected into the life of the church, and we hope that in the not-too-distant future, we might see you being welcomed in to membership of Disciples Church Springfield.
We want to make the process of connecting in to the Disciples Church family as helpful and meaningful as possible. At DC, we see being involved in church as way more than just attending Sunday services once in a while, or even regularly. We aim to be serious about following Jesus faithfully, and that means being connected and involved as a part of everyday life. So our assimilation process is about connecting you into the DC community, and preparing you for active participation as a member of the church in one of our Missional Community Groups.
People usually come along for a few Sundays as "visitors" just to get a feel for how we do things on Sundays. We encourage people not to rush in to making a quick decision about church involvement, but to be prayerful and deliberate about the choices you make.
Once you've decided that you'd like to push in a bit further and start to get connected at DC, we ask that you fill in and submit our Connect Form (it's also here on the App). This will help us start to get a picture of who you are, and what will be the best pathway as you continue to engage at DC.
Missional Community Groups
We want every member of Disciples Church to be involved in a Missional Community Group (MCG). Being part of a group means that you can be cared for, discipled, and participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. The aim of our assimilation process is two-fold: to give you everything you need to make a decision about joining Disciples Church, and to get you ready to join a MCG. Sometimes we might get someone from an MCG to simply start meeting up with you. For most though, we will ask you to be part of our Newcomers Group.
Newcomers Group
Our Newcomers Group is a place where you can connect with other newcomers who are also on the journey of becoming a part of Disciples Church. The Newcomers Group runs for one school term (about 7 weeks), so we are usually onboarding people four times a year.
During your time in our Newcomers Group, we will walk you through key aspects of our theology, our ministry philosophy (especially in relation to how our MCGs operate), our governance, our vision, and mission. This includes some homework videos where you get to hear about what may be distinctive about Disciples Church.
Once you have been through our Newcomers Group, our hope is that you will want to become part of the DC church family and become a member of the church. We will then connect you with one of our Missional Community Groups.
Church Membership
At Disciples Church we like to take membership seriously because we believe it is the Biblical attitude we should have. And so we encourage everyone to become a member of the church.
To be a member, you have to be a professing Christian, who has been baptised, who has watched the videos from Newcomers content, is cognizant of our theological convictions, is committed to participation in a Missional Community Group, is giving, and is willing to serve under the leadership of the DC Elders.
Becoming a member involves filling in and submitting a Membership Application form to the Elders. This form is available in the "Newcomers" section of the DC App.
Every month, the Elders of Disciples Church meet specifically for a night of prayer. On this night they prayer for every person in the church by name. So please know that they will be praying for you as you seek to get connected into the life of the church, and we hope that in the not-too-distant future, we might see you being welcomed in to membership of Disciples Church Springfield.