
1. The Purpose Of This Policy

This policy is to supplement the Disciples Church Springfield position on the sacrament of Baptism and is designed to outline the general procedure for conducting a Baptism under the authority of Disciples Church Springfield. The policy is made, not to be legalistic, but so that God might be honoured by our doing all things well and in order, according to His Holy Word.

2. Profession Of Faith

The person to be Baptised must make a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and their Lord which can be attested by a Pastor of Disciples Church Springfield.

3. Authority To Conduct

The Baptism will be conducted by a Pastor or Elder from Disciples Church Springfield. A Christian friend or Christian relative of the person being Baptised may assist in the Baptism including the option of sharing a few words of support.

4. Scheduling The Baptism

Baptisms will be hosted by the Missional Community Group that the person being Baptised is connected with. If the person is not connected with a Missional Community Group, a group can be asked to host. The Baptism will be held on a day and time, and at a place, that is agreeable to the person being Baptised, the Pastor performing the Baptism, and the leaders of the Missional Community Group.

5. Attending The Baptism

The person being Baptised may invite anyone they would like to attend the Baptism. Everyone from the host Missional Community Group should be invited to attend. Every Elder of Disciples Church Springfield should be invited to attend. The Baptism should be recorded on video and played for the whole congregation to see at a future Sunday service.

6. Testimony

As part of the Baptism, the person being Baptised should give a verbal testimony of their faith in Jesus. This should happen prior to them being Baptised.

7. The Baptism

When a person is Baptised, the Pastor/Elder will say words to the effect of:
(Insert Name), you have publicly professed faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour and your Lord. Therefore, in obedience to Christ’s command, and as an outward sign of the inward reality of the changing of your heart, I now Baptise you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Perform the Baptism
Your old life has been crucified with Christ, and because God has given you His Holy Spirit, you have been resurrected to now live your life for Christ, no longer a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness. Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord, all the days of your life.

8. Prayer To Conclude

Finish by praying for the person (or if there is more than one person being Baptised it might be better to pray for the whole group once all the Baptisms have been performed).

9. Baptism Certificate

Following the Baptism, a certificate of Baptism should be issued to the person in the name of Disciples Church Springfield.

10. Record Of Baptism

Following the Baptism, the name of the person who has been Baptised should be entered into the Register of Baptisms, and the person’s file on the Church database should be amended to list their now being Baptised.
Updated by the Elder Board on 12 December 2023.