A Complaint, or Feedback?

Our Complaint Policy specifically deals with the conduct and teaching of our ordained Pastors. If you are wanting to "complain" about something else in the life of Disciples Church, we suggest you submit a Feedback form instead.

A Pastor's Life & Faith

The life and the beliefs of our Pastors are crucial to the ministry and reputation of Disciples Church Springfield. We have therefore developed a Code of Conduct for our Pastors, which they agree to when they become an ordained Pastor of our church. This is so it is clear to everyone what the expectations of a Pastor are.

Any breach of this Code is something that would concern us greatly.

We realise that Pastors, like every Christian, still have the capacity to sin. Again, as is the case with every Christian, we want and expect that our Pastors will be living lives of repentance and faith. That they would be waging and, to a large extent, winning a war against the sin in their lives. However, if there has been a gross failure by a Pastor in a particular area of his life, or his dealings with people, or his theology specifically, we would want to address that situation in the right way - being just, being restorative, being fair and being uncompromising, for the Pastor and the person or people his behaviour has affected.

Allegations Against An Elder

A Pastor of Disciples Church Springfield is also an Elder.

In Titus 1: 7 it says:

An elder is a manager of God's household, so he must live a blameless life.

That is the high standard that is set by Scripture, to which all our Elders including our Pastors aspire to live out, with faith in Jesus for their salvation, and humble submission to the Holy Spirit to do a work of ongoing sanctification.

And while failing to live up to the standard of a "blameless life" is a serious transgression for an elder, bringing an allegation against an elder is also a serious matter. In 1 Timothy 5: 19 - 21 it says:

Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is confirmed by two or three witnesses. Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others. I solemnly command you in the presence of God and Jesus Christ and the highest angles to obey these instructions without taking sides or showing favouritism to anyone.

And so there needs to be a sober, prayerful consideration of every step in the complaint process, for all concerned.

Has The Pastor Done Something Criminal?

If your complaint involves an action by a Pastor that is criminal in nature, then you should report that action to the Police. We would also want you to lodge a Complaint with the church, but we would strongly advise going directly to the Police if the allegation involves a criminal act.

Does The Complaint Involve Relational Conflict?

If the issue is primarily a relational conflict with a particular Pastor, rather than a breach of the Pastors' Code of Conduct, then a better course of action would be to follow the Disciples Church Conflict Management Procedure.

Care For Everyone

When a complaint is lodged, lines are immediately drawn between the Complainant and the Pastor who the complaint is made against.

Our desire is that we might support and care for everyone, as the process of investigating the complaint takes its course. This support is outlined further in our Complaints Policy.

Complaints usually involve serious matters, and the consequences can be great for the Complainant and for the Pastor. This is why no one should be frivolous, dismissive or conflicted in how any element of this process should be carried out.