Church Planting

Disciples Church is a church planting church, which is why we are a member of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network. In 2019 we planted out a new church into Forest Lake called Nations Church.

In the Bible, the book of Acts records the growth of the early Church from the time Jesus ascended back to the Father. There are 28 chapters in the book of Acts, and we see the work of church planting today as a continuation of that mission which Christ instituted in the first century – hence the name, Acts 29.
Over the last 19 years, Acts 29 has emerged from a small band of brothers & sisters to over 800 new churches in 52 countries around the world, and growing. The leadership of Acts 29 wants to see a unifying, uncommon move of God to happen through the network -- all centered on the gospel and advancing the mission of Jesus through obediently planting church-planting churches.

As a member of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network, we have committed to devote 10% of our tithes & offerings income towards the planting of new churches.

It is our desire to see this leading to millions of lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God.