The Purpose Of This Policy
This policy is to explain how Disciples Church Springfield defines what is known as a “baby dedication” and to outline the general procedure for conducting a Baby Dedication under the authority of Disciples Church Springfield. The policy is made, not to be legalistic, but so that God might be honoured by our doing all things well and in order, according to His Holy Word.
What Is A Baby Dedication?
A Baby Dedication is not an official Sacrament of the Church. It was not something instituted by Jesus for His followers to specifically do. In this, it is not the same as Baptism or The Lord’s Supper. Dedicating a baby or child does not make them a Christian. Baby Dedication is essentially a prayer. It is praying that God will do two things:
1) that by a work of the Holy Spirit He will bring this baby/ child to personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
2) that He will strengthen the parents for the task of raising their child to know and love the Lord.
Who Can Be Dedicated At Disciples Church?
Given the nature of the vows we ask the parent/s to make (see below), we feel it is best to restrict dedications to only those babies and infants whose parents are members, or regular attenders of Disciples Church who are Christians.
Scheduling The Dedication
A time and place will be scheduled for the Dedication and this will be announced to the Church so that everyone will have the opportunity to attend.
Authority To Conduct
The Dedication will be conducted by a Pastor or Elder from Disciples Church Springfield.
The Dedication
When a baby/child is Dedicated, the Pastor/Elder will give a brief explanation of what Baby Dedication is, will encourage the parent/s from God’s Word to raise the baby/child to know and love the Lord, and will ask the parent/s and the church to make the following vows...
Parents vow:
Congregational vow:
The Pastor/Elder will then pray a prayer of dedication over the child.
Dedication Certificate
Following the Dedication, a certificate of Dedication should be issued to the parents of the child in the name of Disciples Church Springfield.
Record Of Dedication
Following the Dedication, the name of the child who has been Dedicated should be entered into the Register of Dedications, and the child’s file on the Church database should be amended to list their now being Dedicated.
This policy is to explain how Disciples Church Springfield defines what is known as a “baby dedication” and to outline the general procedure for conducting a Baby Dedication under the authority of Disciples Church Springfield. The policy is made, not to be legalistic, but so that God might be honoured by our doing all things well and in order, according to His Holy Word.
What Is A Baby Dedication?
A Baby Dedication is not an official Sacrament of the Church. It was not something instituted by Jesus for His followers to specifically do. In this, it is not the same as Baptism or The Lord’s Supper. Dedicating a baby or child does not make them a Christian. Baby Dedication is essentially a prayer. It is praying that God will do two things:
1) that by a work of the Holy Spirit He will bring this baby/ child to personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
2) that He will strengthen the parents for the task of raising their child to know and love the Lord.
Who Can Be Dedicated At Disciples Church?
Given the nature of the vows we ask the parent/s to make (see below), we feel it is best to restrict dedications to only those babies and infants whose parents are members, or regular attenders of Disciples Church who are Christians.
Scheduling The Dedication
A time and place will be scheduled for the Dedication and this will be announced to the Church so that everyone will have the opportunity to attend.
Authority To Conduct
The Dedication will be conducted by a Pastor or Elder from Disciples Church Springfield.
The Dedication
When a baby/child is Dedicated, the Pastor/Elder will give a brief explanation of what Baby Dedication is, will encourage the parent/s from God’s Word to raise the baby/child to know and love the Lord, and will ask the parent/s and the church to make the following vows...
Parents vow:
- (Insert Name), do you come professing faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of your lives? Parents: We do.
- And do you come to dedicate yourselves to the Biblical instruction, discipline and love of (Insert baby/child name)? Parents: we do.
- And do you come to dedicate (Insert baby/child name) into the ultimate control and will of God through the Lord Jesus Christ? Parents: We do.
Congregational vow:
- Do you church agree to support these parents and their family, by your example and through acts of service, and do you agree to reinforce the Biblical instruction, discipline and love of this child under the supreme rule of the Lord Jesus Christ? Congregation: We do.
The Pastor/Elder will then pray a prayer of dedication over the child.
Dedication Certificate
Following the Dedication, a certificate of Dedication should be issued to the parents of the child in the name of Disciples Church Springfield.
Record Of Dedication
Following the Dedication, the name of the child who has been Dedicated should be entered into the Register of Dedications, and the child’s file on the Church database should be amended to list their now being Dedicated.
This policy was last updated by the Elder Board of Disciples Church Springfield on the 11th August 2022.