A New Way Of Living
God has been incredibly generous to us. He did not withhold even His own dear Son so that we might be saved from our sins and have eternal life. When we reflect this attitude in our own lives, it means that we can be generous with our time, our money and our stuff. We call this Gospel Generosity.
The Bible teaches that God is the ultimate owner of everything, including our money and possessions. Jesus taught that how we use our money is an indicator of what our heart is worshipping, and the Apostle Paul said it is our privilege to give cheerfully, sacrificially and regularly.
When we are generous with our money, it is an indication of trust, discipleship, and commitment. Giving is an active expression of our faith, and recognises God as our true provider. It affirms our trust in His ability to supply all our needs. Therefore, we are free to serve our Father in all things, and one of the primary ways we serve God is by cheerfully giving Him our "first-fruits." See 2 Corinthians 9: 7, Proverbs 3: 9.
We want to be a generous church - with generous leaders, generous staff and generous people. We can be generous, and gladly sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel because Jesus sacrificed everything for us, and all we have is His. See 1 Timothy 6: 18.
Being generous is an act of gratitude and dependence. It allows us to partner with God in His work through Disciples Church and in the world. Being generous requires the highest standard of faithfulness and discipline. It is not a casual or occasional thing. Generosity should reflect a regular and systematic plan (1 Corinthians 16: 2). Through our tithes and offerings we prove faithful in the stewardship of all God has provided for us. Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. A believer labours not to accrue personal wealth or possessions, but to steward God's resources well, and model Jesus to our bothers, sisters and community.
The Bible teaches that God is the ultimate owner of everything, including our money and possessions. Jesus taught that how we use our money is an indicator of what our heart is worshipping, and the Apostle Paul said it is our privilege to give cheerfully, sacrificially and regularly.
When we are generous with our money, it is an indication of trust, discipleship, and commitment. Giving is an active expression of our faith, and recognises God as our true provider. It affirms our trust in His ability to supply all our needs. Therefore, we are free to serve our Father in all things, and one of the primary ways we serve God is by cheerfully giving Him our "first-fruits." See 2 Corinthians 9: 7, Proverbs 3: 9.
We want to be a generous church - with generous leaders, generous staff and generous people. We can be generous, and gladly sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel because Jesus sacrificed everything for us, and all we have is His. See 1 Timothy 6: 18.
Being generous is an act of gratitude and dependence. It allows us to partner with God in His work through Disciples Church and in the world. Being generous requires the highest standard of faithfulness and discipline. It is not a casual or occasional thing. Generosity should reflect a regular and systematic plan (1 Corinthians 16: 2). Through our tithes and offerings we prove faithful in the stewardship of all God has provided for us. Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. A believer labours not to accrue personal wealth or possessions, but to steward God's resources well, and model Jesus to our bothers, sisters and community.