Our Goals

When Scripture gives us passages like James 4:13–16 and Matthew 6:34 (among others), it may seem odd that we might have a list of goals. While boasting of the future is un-godly, so is failing to plan (Proverbs 14:22 and Proverbs 24:27). We aim to be like the Apostle Paul who made plans but always held on to them loosely, submitting to the sovereignty of God who has THE plan for our lives and His Church. So, our goals are things we would like to aim for at Disciples Church, and we list them so that we might have a target in mind to strive for, in the hope that, by God’s grace, we might do all we can to be faithful to the task He has called us to. As time passes, our goals will change as we respond to different needs, opportunities and God’s enabling. So, in no particular order, here are our current goals:

A serious commitment to discipleship and pastoral care.
If people are serious about following Jesus then our goal is to bless them in that effort with a serious commitment to shepherding their spiritual growth. We will actively pursue their growth in Christ through one-on-one discipleship and their participation in a Missional Community Group. We will endeavour not to shirk our responsibility to patiently correct, rebuke and encourage people with good teaching, and biblical discipline designed to promote a God-honouring response to the grace of the Gospel.

Every member participating in a Missional Community Group.
Our goal is that everyone who is a Member of Disciples Church Springfield will actively participate in one of our Missional Community Groups where they can be cared for, discipled, and participate in meaningful outreach to those who do not have saving faith in Jesus.

Good Theology. Good Music.
We do not see these things as being mutually exclusive. At Disciples Church our goal is to achieve Biblical, winsome preaching, as well as music of a high standard - not sacrificing one for the other.

Elders who take their responsibilities seriously.
Eldership is not a reward for anything. It does not necessarily relate to age. There are biblical qualifications for Elders and biblical roles and responsibilities for Elders to be concerned with. So, our goal is that Elders will be leading Missional Community Groups or ministry of some kind, that they will be committed to pray for the Church and its people, and they will, by God’s grace and enabling, lead lives that are a testimony to God’s glory and an inspiration to everyone in the Church.

A significant investment in Youth and Children's Ministy.
Springfield is majority populated by young families. As well as being supported within individual Missional Community Groups, our goal is to support the parents of children in our congregation to raise their kids to know and trust in Jesus for themselves by running meaningful and effective programs and events.

To be a large church not a small church
We want to at least signal that our goal is to be a large church (500+) not a small church (<100). Having this goal in mind will affect how we think about doing ministry, our facilities, our budgets, our staff and so forth.

More baptisms
Even though our numbers have grown substantially since the church was planted, our goal is to see year on year growth in the number of baptisms. This means that our efforts in reaching people with the Good News of Jesus will have to be concerted, strategic and faithful, and it should motivate us to be much in prayer for people to be saved.

More conversions than transfers
Aside from people having babies, most of our growth in recent years has come from people moving to the area and transferring from other churches. This has the tendency to develop an attitude where we are competing with other local churches for the few Christians who move to the area. Our goal is to see the ratio of conversion growth to transfer growth shift in the direction of conversion growth.

Maturity & Multiplication
Our goal is to double the number of Missional Community Groups we have within 5 years. Our challenge is having qualified leaders. So, the key to seeing this goal realised will be seeing people growing to a point of maturity and equipping so that they can take on the role of leading new Missional Community Groups.

Staff Remuneration
Since Disciples Church Springfield was planted we have relied on staff working voluntarily. No one has ever been paid a full wage, even our full-time pastors. Our goal is that in the next two years we can pay our pastors a full pastor's salary, and begin to pay our part-time staff according to the hours they contribute. God's Word says a worker deserves their pay (Luke 10: 7), and that Pastors should be paid well (1 Timothy 5: 17).

A Church that appeals equally to all people
Greater Springfield is an area of high ethnic diversity. Our goal is to be a church where people from all backgrounds feel welcome and included. Historically, churches in Australia have been attended by women more than men. Our goal is to see both men and women, single and married, together with any children they have, feel welcome and included. Our goal is that we will be united in Christ and seeking to follow Jesus together in vibrant Christian community.

A church planting church
We don't want Disciples Church Springfield to be the only church we see planted. Our goal is to be a church that is continually involved in the planting of other churches, either through financial support, practical help where possible, or starting new churches within a Disciples Church 'family of churches' movement.