Missional Community Groups

Our Missional Community Groups are the "engine room of ministry" at Disciples Church. We encourage everyone to be involved in an MCG so we can be "doing life" together. There is an MCG Prep Group for Newcomers to DC, so they can be equipped to actively participate in one of our groups.

A Missional Community Group consists of a committed core of believers who live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19 - 20) by demonstrating the Gospel in tangible forms and declaring the Gospel to others— both those who believe it and those who are being exposed to it.

In the Gospel we acknowledge that we are nothing without Jesus; He gives us our wholeness and a new identity - who we are now, in God’s sight, because of what Jesus has done. In our Missional Community Group’s we affirm this by and through prayer, confessing our sins to one another, repentance and by engaging with God’s Word, the Bible. (Heb 10:24-25, 1 John 1:9, James 5:26, John 5:39-40)

A Missional Community Group aims to live out the Gospel in their local area. Groups are made up of a core of people who are members of Disciples Church, others who attend the Church, as well as others who don't. As a community, each group has three primary functions:


The people in each Missional Community Group seek to do life together. When you do this you easily start to see each other's needs and provide the help and support required in the various seasons of life. Jesus said that His followers would be known for their love of one-another (John 13: 35), so we strive to see this love in action in caring community.


Discipleship is that process of encouraging one-another to follow Jesus in growing trust and obedience. It means we need to honestly face the idols in our lives that challenge God for the number 1 spot. By sharing our lives together in Missional Community Groups, we are able to identify these idols more easily than doing it alone. This involves accepting God’s love, obeying Him and choosing His will above our own. We can then focus our worship upon the one who truly deserves it, the triune God. (Ex 20:2-4, Ex 34:17, Deut 27:15, Rom 1:21-23)

Some of the benefits of having community to work these Gospel truths out are that we can love one another practically by taking time to meet together, risking our hearts with one another, and living lives of humble honesty. We believe that this will lead into real and deep fellowship.


Outreach is the missional aspect of our Missional Community Groups. As well as doing life together, the people in our Groups aim to show others what life looks like living as one redeemed by Jesus. Doing this means we are joining with God on His mission through Christ. Jesus was sent to us and He sent out His disciples. We are His disciples and have been commissioned to make disciples. We are invited by the Father to join Him in this mission, in reconciling the world to Himself. This should lead us in a passion to share the gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus. We do this by caring for non-believers in practical ways and speaking the truth of the Gospel in love. (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 2 Cor 5:11-21).