
All Christians are called to be involved in the task of "making disciples" (Matt 28: 19). While some are given the spiritual gift of evangelism (Eph 4: 11), we are all called to be ambassadors of our Saviour (2 Cor 5: 20), being the "beautiful feet" of those who share the Good News of Jesus.

Australia is a challenging mission field. It is a country where you can live a comfortable life, have access to quality health care, and get insurance for most things that go wrong. Becoming caught up in the selfishness of a consumer driven, materialistic culture is our default philosophy from birth. And God rarely gets a look in.

And yet stress, depression and anxiety are on the rise. Relationship breakdown is common. Joy is fleeting. And all the things that we think are going to make us happy never last.

As our people from our Missional Community Groups interact with people who don't know Jesus, we hope they see something different in the lives of our people. Peace. Joy. Hope. Selflessness. The fruit that comes from knowing Jesus.

Being missional doesn't mean being obnoxious for Jesus. It means living out our faith in everyday situations with the people God brings across our paths. Sharing the Gospel can then be a simple extension of these relationships when he opportunity arises.

In our Missional Community Groups we actively encourage the participation of those who don't yet know Jesus. Whether it's a party, helping a mate move house, or going to a footy game, all of these kinds of things can be opportunities for the Gospel.