General Summary

In conducting its activities, Disciples Church will aim to protect and promote the health and safety of its staff, employees, Team Members, Ministry Workers, Volunteers and others who are involved or affected by its ministry operations and activities. The Church aims to comply with all relevant statutory and legal obligations, to create a safe working environment and to provide sufficient resources and training to staff to undertake their work safely. The Church’s objectives will be achieved by implementing systems and procedures, managing risk and regularly reviewing plans, programs and activities to assess their effectiveness. All management and staff are responsible for complying with the law and the applicable standards and policies. All employees must take reasonable care in their work to prevent accidents and to report safety issues promptly.

1. Introduction

1.1  Rationale

Disciples Church operates in its own worship and ministry facility in the Spring Lake Shopping Centre. As a part of the Church management system Disciples Church maintains a Risk Management Plan to cover the operations of the Church. The Church is responsible for establishing its own Environment, Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS) across its ministry activities. This document outlines the minimum requirements of the Risk Management Plan.

1.2  Scope Of The Risk Management Plan (RMP)

The Risk Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared to address the risks involved in the public ministry and worship activities. It is primarily focused on the operations at the facility and has been prepared to address the Occupational Health and Safety risks related to these activities.

The plan does address environmental risks associated with the storage and handling of any chemical products but not security issues. Nor does the plan encompass off–site risks involved in the transport and activities of church groups.

1.3  Objectives Of The RMP

The aims of this RMP are to:
  • Support compliance with regulatory obligations by reducing or managing facility and activity health and safety risks;
  • Establish a framework for the identification, assessment, control, and reduction of risk using a systematic approach.

1.4  Location Details

Site address: Spring Lake Village.

1.5  Definition Of Terms

For the purposes of this RMP the following definitions apply:

ADG Code - the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (current edition is the 7th edition).

Biological monitoring - means the measurement and evaluation of hazardous substances or their metabolites in the body tissues, fluids or exhaled air of an exposed person.

Combustible Liquid – has the meaning defined in AS 1940 -2004 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids. Where a combustible liquid is heated to above its flash point, it is to be treated as a flammable liquid. Combustible liquids include Diesel, some paints, oils and greases.

Competent person – A person who has, through a combination of training, education and experience, acquired the knowledge and skill enabling that person to perform the specified task correctly.

Dangerous Goods - Substances that present an immediate threat to safety (e.g. through fire or explosion), health (e.g. toxicity) or property if spilled or involved in some sort of accident or emergency situation.

Exposure standard - means an airborne concentration of a particular substance in a person's breathing zone, as established by the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission's Adopted Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment [NOHSC: 1003(1991)].

Flammable Liquid - A flammable liquid is defined in the ADG as a Class 3 Dangerous Goods having a flash point below 60oC1.
Hazardous substance - means a substance which:
(a) is listed on the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission's List of Designated Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:10005(1994)], or
(b) has been classified as a hazardous substance by the manufacturer or importer in accordance with the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission's Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:1008(1994)].

Health surveillance - means the monitoring of individuals for the purpose of identifying changes in health status due to occupational exposure to a hazardous substance. It includes biological monitoring (as defined) but not monitoring as defined elsewhere in the relevant Regulations.

Job Safety & Environment Analysis (JSEA) - a general identification of hazards and controls in a specific task, usually for determining the basis for a standard of work .

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - MSDS provide information identifying a substance, its properties, uses of the substance and its physical and chemical properties. They also set out health hazard information and precautions (safety equipment), safe handling, storage, disposal and first aid information. This document may be provided by the supplier or manufacturer of a chemical, or by specialist service providers i.e. ChemAlert, a Chemical Database.

Monitoring - means to survey regularly all measures which are used to control hazardous substances in the workplace. This includes the monitoring of atmospheric contaminants, but does not include biological monitoring which is an element of health surveillance.

Plant - includes:
(a) machinery, equipment, appliance, pressure vessel, implement and tool; and
(b) personal protective equipment; and
(c) a component of plant and a fitting, connection, accessory or adjunct to plant.

Public place - Any place other than private property, open to the public, which the public has a right to use and which includes a public road. Parking areas for commercial buildings are not considered to be public places.

Register - An information source containing a list of all the Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances used in the relevant work area and the MSDS / chemical report for each one. Additional information on storage locations and the results of assessment decisions may also be included.

Work Method Statement (WMS)2/ Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) – a written statement for the activity prepared by or under the direction of a relevant person or certificate holder and stating -
(a) the high risk construction activity; and
(b) if the relevant person has an ABN, the ABN; and
(c) the specific control measures the relevant person proposes to use to discharge the relevant person’s workplace health and safety obligations for the activity; and
(d) the way the relevant person proposes to perform the activity, including how the control measures are to be used; and
(e) how the effectiveness of the control measures will be monitored and reviewed; and
(f) if the activity is to be performed in an earthmoving or particular crane occupation—the occupation; and
(g) if the activity is high risk work—the class of high risk work that includes the work.

Training and supervision must be included for prescribed activities (demolition and asbestos work).
1  Based on Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, 7th Edition, 2007.
2  As per the definition given in Qld Workplace Health & Safety Regulation 2008, s258

2. Policy

2.1  OHS Policy

Disciples Church have an established Risk Management policy which is authorised and contained in appendix A. The Church aims to operate in such a way as to minimise the risks of injury or illness from its activities. The Church expects all members, staff, ministry workers and volunteers and contractors to be accountable for working in a way that complies with the Policy and statutory obligations.

2.2  Commitment To The Policy

Commitment to the policy objectives are achieved by incorporating its requirements into the Church activities, budgeting, operating procedures, and purchasing decisions. Requirements are considered on an annual basis. Each staff person or employee works to agreed objectives or a performance plan against which their performance is assessed.

3. Legal & Regulatory Requirements

3.1  Awareness Of Statutory Legal Requirements

The list below summarises relevant, current health and safety legislative obligations in Queensland. The Regulations listed contain the most relevant provisions that must be met by the Church in its roles as an Employer, Occupier, and Contractor.

Codes of Practice, where established, must be considered in the approaches used to comply with the legislation. Compliance with a Code of Practice is a means of satisfying the requirements of the legislation.

Church must remain aware of its specific legislative requirements by undertaking reviews of the legislation and utilising subscription services.

Directly Relevant Legislation
Queensland Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995
Queensland Workplace Health & Safety Regulation 2008
Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2001
Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulation 2001
Electrical Safety Act 2002
Electrical Safety Regulation 2002

Other Relevant Legislation
Environmental Protection Act 1994
Environmental Protection Regulation 1998

3.2  Compliance

Facility compliance against statutory obligations shall be periodically assessed by facility inspections or audits. In addition, compliance to statutory obligations is considered during any incident investigations and addressed as part of the corrective or preventative actions recommended.

3.3  Affiliations

Disciples Church is an independent organisation but is affiliated with Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. The FIEC also requires affiliated churches to maintain appropriate risk management policies in several areas, that have been incorporated into the DC RMP.

4. Internal Management

4.1 Organisational Structure And Responsibilities

The responsibility for the management of the church building, including compliance with statutory requirements, is delegated to the Facilities Manager. The Pastoral Staff or the Facilities Manager may supervise contractors performing maintenance work and other operational tasks which are contracted out. Individual role or job descriptions are available from Church management.

Compliance with the policy and procedures established in the RMP and safety management system is mandatory for all staff/employees and failure to comply with the requirements may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

4.2  Directors And Elders

Directors are responsible for:
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available to maintain an effective Health & Safety Management System which complies with Church policy;
  • Budgeting and major expenditure approval;
  • Approval of training programs and staff or member attendance;
  • Managing the injury management process and return to work program for injured staff in accordance with Church policy;
  • Manage the review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Risk/OH&S policy, procedures and this Risk Management Plan.

4.3 Lead Pastor

The Lead Pastor is responsible for staff management and ensuring that all staff or employees comply with the RMP and OHS policies. The Pastor shall conduct any OH&S inspections necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the RMP.

The Lead Pastor is required to:
  • Organise relevant OH&S inductions and training for staff or employees in the Church Facility, in consultation with Board staff;
  • Ensure the reporting of all incidents, participate in incident investigation and implementation of corrective actions in accordance with procedures (reference ‘Incident Notification Report Procedure’);
  • Ensure that no staff person or employee undertakes a work activity without the appropriate training and supervision;
  • Identify employees for which nominated work activities may require health monitoring and implement in accordance with Church policy;
  • Manage the implementation of return to work programs for injured staff in accordance with Church policy;

4.4 Risk Management Officer

The Risk Management Officer will undertake the systems development and implementation role.
  • Manage the implementation and review of the Risk Management Plan (RMP) to ensure that it is relevant to Church activities and is implemented in accordance with Church Boards’ expectations;
  • Support employees on the relevant requirements of the RMP;
  • Conduct or arrange site inspections to ensure compliance with the site RMP and report non-compliances to the Board;
  • Monitor occurrence and reporting of incidents to the Board.

4.5  Facilities Manager

The Facilities Manager is responsible for maintenance of the church building and its facilities. They shall conduct any inspections necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the RMP.

The Facility Manager is required to:
  • Assist the Lead Pastor with the implementation of the site RMP;
  • Check the operation of church equipment and maintain a relevant Equipment Register;
  • Report equipment service, repair and maintenance requirements to the Lead Pastor;
  • Ensure that adequate emergency procedures and equipment are maintained or readily accessible at the site.
  • Arrange relevant information on chemical substances present at the church. This includes maintaining Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Registers for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS);
  • Maintain site security and access controls;
  • Comply with procedures and specific control measures; and Report any related incidents to the Lead Pastor.

4.6  Staff And Employees

All staff and employees are required to:
  • Comply with any OH&S policies and procedures approved by the Church;
  • Report unsafe work conditions, incidents and near misses;
  • Understand the Hazards and Risks relating to their activities and the associated safe work methods; and
  • Only perform work or tasks that they are competent to undertake.

4.7  Volunteers, Team Members And Ministry Workers

All volunteers, team members and ministry workers are required to:
  • Comply with any OH&S policies and procedures approved by the Church;
  • Report unsafe work conditions, incidents and near misses, relevant to their roles;
  • Understand the relevant Hazards and Risks relating to their roles and the associated safe work methods; and
  • Only perform ministry work or tasks that they are competent to undertake.

5. Site Impacts

5.1 Shopping Centre Operations

Disciples Church operates as part of the Spring Lake Village Shopping Centre and participates in the Body Corporate for the Centre. The carpark and eternal facilities are maintained by the Body Corporate.

  • The Carpark is shared with other tenants and customers.
  • Utility repairs may be arranged by the Body Corporate Managers, with notice to church officers.

6. Communication & Consultation

6.1  Standard

Disciples Church shall regularly consult with staff and employees on the workplace OH&S environment and hazard/risk management issues in accordance with legislative requirements. Staff or Employees shall be consulted regarding hazard identification, risk assessment and control plans and the Facility emergency response plan.

6.2  Action Required

The Senior Pastor is to undertake communication with site staff and establish any further consultative arrangements required to meet legislative requirements.

7. Hazard/Risk Identification

7.1  Standard

The Church shall identify hazards associated with its spiritual activities and facilities. Hazards include situations or circumstances capable of causing injury, illness and damage to property or the environment. Hazards shall be systematically identified and documented.

7.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager must undertake regular inspections of the Facility and its equipment to identify hazards in the workplace. Inspections should be undertaken at least annually. A Hazard Identification Checklist (Appendix B) or other approved method can be used for this process.

2. The hazards of new or modified plant or procedures must be identified and mitigated.

3. Employees or volunteers must report any hazards they become aware of in the course of their work.

4. A hazardous situation should be rectified if safe to do so or the area made safe until the hazard is addressed.

8. Hazard/Risk Assessment & Control

8.1  Standard

The Church shall assess the risks of all the Hazards identified and consider and implement appropriate control measures to reduce the risks to meet statutory obligations (usually this means as far as practicable).

The Church may use both formal and informal risk assessment methods, as appropriate to the level of risk identified. Formal risk assessments shall use an approved risk matrix or ranking method. The Hierarchy of Control Measures shall be considered in the selection and use of controls.

8.2  Action Required

1. The Senior Pastor or Facilities Manager shall manage risks associated with new or significantly changed work activities, product handling, facilities and equipment and check they have been assessed and documented when relevant.

2. The Risk Assessment process may use a variety of methods, including the Risk Assessment form (Appendix C), Job Safety Analysis or other approved method.

3. Risk control measures shall be monitored and reviewed to ensure they are effective.

4. High risk situations shall be prioritized for risk control measures and measures implemented until risk has been reduced to an acceptable level. Risk mitigation measures may be needed on a temporary or short term basis until more permanent controls have been established.

5. Risk assessments shall be reviewed after serious incidents or deficiencies in risk controls have been identified.

9. Incident Reporting & Management

9.1  Standard

The Church will maintain an incident reporting and management system. Relevant incidents shall be reported to Church management and to statutory authorities, in accordance with regulatory obligations. Significant incidents shall be investigated and corrective actions implemented and documented. Injury and rehabilitation procedures for employees shall be established to meet legal obligations and to enable a return to work as soon as practicable.

9.2  Action Required

1. Staff, Employees and Team Members shall report relevant incidents (including significant near misses) to the Team Leaders promptly and in accordance with Church procedures (verbally as soon as possible and in writing within 24 hours). Team Leaders shall report significant incidents to the Lead Pastor as soon as practicable.

2. The Lead Pastor, or other available Pastoral staff or Facilities Manager must assess the severity of any incident and take immediate measures to ensure employees, volunteers and the public are safe.

3. The RMO shall determine the level and depth of investigation required.

4. The Lead Pastor or Facilities Manager shall assist with or complete the level of investigation required, determine the root causes of the incident and report results to the Board.

5. The Lead Pastor shall assist with or take appropriate action to prevent the incident occurring again.

6. The Facilities Manager shall maintain the records of incidents and report incidents to Board in accordance with Church procedures.

7. The Facilities Manager shall assist with and implement any return to work program or rehabilitation management required in accordance with Church procedures.

10. Emergency & Incident Response

10.1  Standard

The Church shall maintain a documented Emergency Response Plan to address potential emergencies at the facility. Employees shall be instructed and trained in the requirements of the plan. The Church shall also supply or arrange access to emergency response resources and equipment necessary for response and recovery to Facilities emergencies.

10.2  Action Required

1. Management shall prepare and maintain a current Emergency Response Plan.

2. The Facilities Manager shall contact the Church Emergency Coordinator for support when required.

3. The Facilities Manger shall ensure that all relevant employees and contractors, working within the Facilities area, are aware of the location of:
  • fire alarms and emergency stop devices
  • fire fighting equipment (extinguishers and hoses)
  • emergency exits emergency muster points
  • first aid kits
  • emergency showers and eye washes.

4. The Facilities Manager shall manage any regular checks, inspections and maintenance that are performed on signage, fire fighting and emergency response equipment. Records shall be kept of equipment maintenance.

5. Employees and occupants are to immediately evacuate to a muster point in the event of an alarm or a fire in the buildings.

6. The Facilities Manager shall ensure first aid equipment is available and maintained at the office. First Aid training may be provided on the basis of policy or a risk assessment in accordance with the First Aid Code of Practice.

11. Training, Competence & Supervision

11.1  Standard

Staff, Volunteers, Team Members, Ministry Workers and Employees shall only undertake work they are competent and qualified to perform. They shall be provided sufficient training and instruction to know and understand Church procedures and policies, to be aware of their legal health and safety obligations, to be able to use plant and equipment safely, to recognise hazards and risks and implement safe working methods, use Personal Protective Equipment and other control measures. They shall be trained in the relevant requirements of the Risk Management Plan.

11.2  Action Required

1. The Lead Pastor and/or Facilities Manager shall assess that staff are competent to perform any required work tasks assigned and provide an adequate level of supervision.

2. A system shall be established to maintain a current record of any required competency qualification, license or certificate required for employees to undertake regulated work.

3. The Lead Pastor shall evaluate or manage that OH&S training needs have been assessed for all staff/employees in accordance with their position descriptions.

4. The Lead Pastor shall manage any OH&S training and refresher training required and support employees to undertake any necessary training.

5. Training records are to be maintained with detail on the nature and content of training received, when it was delivered, any assessment results and any other relevant detail.

6. All Facilities staff should receive Church induction training on the hazards and risks related to the facility and its operations.

7. External contractors are to be inducted into the facility and their work supervised where necessary.

12. Work Procedures & Operational Controls

12.1  Standard

The Church shall maintain relevant work instructions and procedures where administrative controls are required to establish a safe system or method of work.

There are existing procedures which have been developed for various work activities that impact upon safety and the environment and/or which need to be implemented in order to comply with statutory requirements. Procedures are stored in the Church head office.

12.1.1  Operations Procedures
Are outlined in the relevant Church procedures and work instructions.

12.1.2  Maintenance and Equipment Integrity

Equipment is periodically inspected and maintained to ensure its integrity. Records of such maintenance are maintained. Routine maintenance for the Church owned equipment is managed by Disciples Church. The Senior Pastor or Facilities Manager will arrange sub-contractors to undertake any necessary maintenance. Disciples Church shall keep records of all maintenance tasks that need to be completed for individual operations and Disciples Church owned equipment. A Facilities Operations Register may be used for this task.

12.2  Action Required

The Lead Pastor, in consultation with the RMO and site staff, shall arrange for the development, preparation or revision of work procedures when tasks or equipment require new or modified procedures.

13. Plant & Equipment Safety

13.1  Standard

The Church shall ensure that any fixed, mobile and portable plant and equipment it provides or uses is inspected, maintained and used safely and in accordance with any relevant laws, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards.

13.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager shall ensure unsafe equipment shall not be used.

2. The Facilities Manager shall ensure plant is used or operated only by appropriately qualified or competent people.

3. The Facilities Manager shall maintain a Plant Register identifying Church owned or leased plant and equipment that must be maintained and establish a system for the inspection and maintenance of equipment in a suitable condition.

4. The Facilities Manager shall monitor plant or equipment supplied by third parties for employee use to ensure it is properly maintained and fit for use.

5. The use of equipment shall be controlled to ensure it does NOT become an ignition source near flammable vapours. Equipment that may become an ignition source shall only be used in restricted areas under an appropriate work permit (such as a hot work permit).

6. Lifting equipment and accessories shall be identified with Safe Working Loads (SWL). Load Shifting plant and lifting equipment must only be operated within safe operating limits.

7. Damaged equipment must be reported immediately and not used until repaired or verified as being safe. Damaged equipment must be identified as out of service and isolated until repaired.

14. Electrical Safety

14.1  Standard

The Church shall ensure that electrical equipment it provides is inspected, maintained and used safely and in accordance with any relevant laws and Codes of Practice. Unsafe electrical equipment shall not be used.

14.2  Action Required

1. Work must NOT be performed on or near live electrical equipment. A Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO) procedure shall be followed to ensure the equipment is de-energised and isolated before work is undertaken.

2. Electrical equipment shall be controlled to ensure it does NOT become an ignition source near flammable vapours. Only hazardous area rated equipment shall be used where flammable atmospheres may exist. Non-rated equipment shall only be used in restricted areas under an appropriate work permit.

3. Damaged electrical equipment must be reported immediately and not used until repaired or verified as being safe.

4. Portable electrical equipment shall be connected to residual current or earth leakage devices (RCDs) as far as is practicable, inside the facility.

5. The Facilities Manager shall arrange for all portable electrical equipment to be inspected, tested and tagged, in accordance with Australian Standard AS3760, at the required frequency by a suitably qualified person.

6. Electrical equipment and extension leads shall be protected from damage and not used in wet conditions unless rated for the exposure.

7. The Facilities Manager shall ensure any hired or temporary equipment is in sound condition and tested in accordance with legal requirements.

15. Hazardous Materials

15.1  Standard

The Church shall ensure Hazardous Materials (which include both Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods) are purchased, used, stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with statutory requirements and appropriate standards.

15.2  Action Required

1. The Lead Pastor, Facilities Manager or Team Leaders shall identify and classify substances and materials according to their labels or Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or apply statutory definitions and criteria if necessary.

2. The Lead Pastor or Facilities Manager shall maintain a Hazardous Materials Register of all Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods purchased and/or used at the Facilities. The Register must list the materials and contain a copy of the MSDS for the product. The Register must be maintained with current MSDS and information.

3. An Asbestos Register must be maintained where Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) are present at site level. The condition of the asbestos must be monitored, periodic audits arranged and material managed in accordance with statutory requirements. The ACM must not be disturbed or mechanically cleaned and only qualified contractors shall remove ACM.

4. New materials must be managed and the required information and MSDS obtained and risk assessments undertaken before use of the product.

5. Substances must be stored safely, in undamaged containers (including packages or tanks). All containers must be properly labeled in accordance with statutory requirements (including waste and slops containers). Tanks and stores shall be placarded according to regulations.

6. The Lead Pastor or Facilities Manager shall maintain a current site Dangerous Goods Manifest, according to regulations. The Facilities Manager shall advise Board of any product or storage changes on-site.

7. The Lead Pastor, in conjunction with Board, shall ensure any necessary licenses for storage and handling hazardous materials have been obtained.

8. Exposure to hazardous materials shall be minimised as far as practicable in routine work tasks. Control measures shall be used to reduce exposure by inhalation, ingestion and skin or eye contact.

9. The Facilities Manager, in conjunction with Lead Pastor and Team Leaders, shall ensure risk assessments are prepared for hazardous materials according to RMP elements 7&8. Where practical less hazardous materials will be used to complete tasks. If necessary Management shall arrange for any monitoring or health surveillance measures required as a part of control measures.

10. Management shall develop safe systems of work that include sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision appropriate to the work.

16. Exposure Monitoring

16.1  Standard

Where a significant risk of exposure exists, and a valid method is available, the Church shall arrange or conduct exposure monitoring of employees in accordance with legislative requirements.

1. Staff/Employee/Team Member Health Surveillance
Health Surveillance shall be based on risk assessments where significant risk of exposure occurs. Examples where it may be required include:
  • Hearing tests where noise exposure may be excessive.
  • Blood tests where exposure to such chemicals as lead or pesticides is suspected
  • Health checks to identify early symptoms of occupational overuse.

2. Workplace Monitoring
Measurement of workplace atmosphere or environment shall be undertaken where it is
necessary to confirm control measures are effective. This may include monitoring for:
  • Hazardous substances (toxics) Noise
  • Dust;
  • Light levels; and
  • Atmospheric oxygen, temperature or humidity levels.

16.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager shall assist in the monitoring of work activities when required.

2. Health Surveillance shall only be carried out by medical practitioners and in consultation with staff/employees/Team Members. Medical records shall be confidential.

3. Health Surveillance results shall be kept for the statutory period (which may be up to 30 years).

17. Health & Safety Communication

17.1  Standard

The Church shall provide employees and contractors with any safety information required to meet statutory requirements. This information includes Registers of Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods, DG Manifests, emergency plans and site induction information. Safety signage shall be maintained in a legible condition.

Hazard and risk information shall be provided where relevant. Compliance with Church permit to work systems shall be maintained for Church provided equipment and infrastructure.

17.2  Action Required

1. Employees and contractors shall be informed about any identified hazards/risks that have the potential to affect their health & safety and damage property and the environment, and the control measures that must be implemented.

2. The Lead Pastor or Facilities Manager shall ensure that DG and Hazardous Substances Registers and Emergency Plans are current, readily available and accessible for staff and emergency services.

18. Contractor Management

18.1  Standard

Contractors shall be selected and managed to perform maintenance and repair work safely and in accordance with legislative requirements. Contractors shall be appropriately qualified and competent to perform any contracted work.

18.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager is to ensure contractors report to reception on arrival and do not undertake work without authorisation and compliance with Permit to Work requirements.

2. Contractors shall be advised of and comply with site safety rules.

3. The Facilities Manager must advise contractors to report any incidents or unsafe conditions to site management.

4. The Facilities Manager shall only engage competent and qualified contractors. Preference may be given to suitable church members or volunteers for work at the building.

5. Contractors must be able to provide relevant risk documentation for the planned work, which may include a JSA, risk assessment, Safe Work Method Statement, Safety Plan or equivalent documents. Note: Safe Work Method Statements are legally required for high risk construction work. For example, when work on or near structures requires excavation >1.5m deep and work at heights >2m or work on or near chemical or fuel lines or work in an area that may have a flammable atmosphere.

6. The Facilities Manager/Site Staff are to monitor and ensure that contractors abide by any OH&S restrictions placed upon them.

7. The Facilities Manager/Staff is to suspend the work of any contractor where they become aware that work is being carried out that is contrary to good health, safety and environmental practice.

19. Excavation & Construction Work

19.1  Standard

The Church shall ensure that excavation and construction impacting the building shall comply with OHS regulations but that such work shall may be subject to approval from the Body Corporate.

19.2  Action Required

1. Construction and excavation work shall be managed by the Principal Contractor.

2. The Facilities Manager, in conjunction with Lead Pastor, shall ensure that contractors have developed safe systems of work that include identifying utilities and services (including dial before you dig) before work is commenced. Services shall be isolated where they may be impacted.

3. Facilities Staff and Visitors shall be excluded from areas where excavation or construction work is taking place.

20. Site Access, Visitor & Public Safety

20.1  Standard

The Church shall ensure safe access to the site for staff, visitors and members of the public. Visitors and the Public shall receive sufficient information, instruction and supervision to be able to access and egress the site safely. The Public shall not be exposed to risks from on-site work activities.

20.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager is to ensure staff, visitors or members of the public do not access restricted or dangerous areas without authorization to do so.

2. The Facilities Manager is to maintain safe site access and egress for staff, visitors and the public.

3. Visitors must receive adequate safety or site induction information about the hazards and risks of Facilities activities. A record or Visitor Log shall be kept of the advice to site visitors and their time of arrival and departure.

4. Visitors must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), if it is required to comply with site policies.

5. Visitors must be escorted on-site unless they are operating with Facilities Manager approval and are appropriately inducted.

6. Site visitors are to report any unsafe condition to the Facilities Manager.

21. Soil & Ground Water Contamination

21.1  Standard

The Church shall minimise the potential for soil and groundwater contamination by storing and handling products in suitable infrastructure and in accordance with statutory requirements and appropriate standards.

21.2  Action Required

1. The Facilities Manager shall determine the potential impacts from products and maintain the equipment installed to ensure product containment.

2. Environmental monitoring shall be undertaken where contamination is suspected or in accordance with statutory requirements.

3. Remediation shall be initiated for any contamination that may have offsite impacts on sensitive environmental receptors or where health and safety impacts may result.

4. Products must be stored safely, in undamaged containers (including packages or tanks). All containers must be properly labeled in accordance with statutory requirements (including waste and slops containers). Any stores shall be placarded according to regulations.

22. General Workplace Management

22.1  Standard

The site shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition. Site amenities shall comply with regulatory requirements.

22.2  Action Required

1. Refuse and rubbish shall be removed regularly, adequate bins shall be provided.

2. Amenities shall be cleaned regularly and maintained to a suitable standard.

3. Site staff shall have access to clean (potable) drinking water and suitable eating facilities.

23. Waste Management & Disposal

23.1  Standard

The Church shall store and dispose of hazardous wastes appropriately. Management of wastes will seek to comply with the waste management hierarchy in order to reduce, reuse or recycle where practicable. Disposal of waste material will comply with statutory requirements and use appropriately licensed contractors. Waste disposal records shall be maintained in accordance with legal requirements.

23.2  Action Required

The Site Management is to ensure:

1. Waste must be disposed of by a licensed contractor or under Body Corporate arrangements;

2. A Waste Disposal Register will be kept for regulated wastes and waste tracking documentation used where required;

3. Waste containers shall be sound, undamaged, labeled and suitable to contain the waste stored;

4. Liquid waste products shall be stored in containment area and disposed of regularly.

24. Document & Data Control

24.1  Standard

The Church shall provide and maintain accurate and up to date OH&S documents and procedures to employees to meet their Health & Safety responsibilities. Records shall be stored or archived in accordance with legal requirements (for example 30 years for health surveillance records).

24.2  Action Required

The Management is to ensure OH&S documents and procedures are:

1. Reviewed, revised and approved;

2. Current versions are available to staff and stored appropriately;

3. Archived where required for legal reasons;

4. Removed from use when superseded or obsolete.

25. RMP Audits

25.1  Standard

The effectiveness of the Risk Management Plan shall be verified by an annual audit.

25.2  Action Required

Board shall organize an annual audit of the RMP and the compliance of operations to the standards and actions in the plan.
This policy was last updated by the Disciples Church Springfield Elder Board on the 14th of December 2021. This policy is reviewed annually.