Theology Nights
Our Theology Nights are happening via Zoom on Sunday evenings with a series called "Ideas That Changed The World." This series, presented by Anglican Pastor Dominic Steele, is a mix of theology and church history. It examines four great doctrinal truths of the arising from the Protestant Reformation, and the men who promoted them:
This Sunday - from 8pm - you can join us for the fourth idea - Christ Alone.
Zoom Meeting ID: 959 2867 4850
Passcode: 710944
Or click on this link to join the Zoom Meeting:
- Faith Alone - Martin Luther
- Grace Alone - John Calvin
- Bible Alone - William Tyndale
- Christ Alone - Thomas Cranmer
This Sunday - from 8pm - you can join us for the fourth idea - Christ Alone.
Zoom Meeting ID: 959 2867 4850
Passcode: 710944
Or click on this link to join the Zoom Meeting: