Quicklinks: The Team  |  Responsibilities  |  Schedule  |  Equipment  |  Location
Welcome to the DC YOUTH Team!

Thank you for being willing to serve as a part of our DC Club Team. What a blessing it is that we can be a part of the redemptive plan that God has for our teenagers.

Our primary goal of Club is to share the Good News of Jesus to the teenagers. Club is designed to be a joyful and welcoming environment that is social and uplifting. It's a place where teenagers can come to hang out, catch up and have fun together. But most importantly, we get to share the gospel with them each week! For Jesus himself said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15).

The Team

The Welcome Team reports to the Youth Director (Tom Cera), and has 4 roles.

  • Snacker: The person who provides snacks for the teens
  • Speaker: The person who presents the gospel talk.
  • Welcomer: The person who greets the teens
  • Check-in(er): The person who checks the participants in on the iPad.


In order for a Sunday service to run smoothly, it is important that all of our volunteers are mature and equipped for services.

Relationally, we encourage the Youth Team to be;
  • Welcoming teenagers upon arrival and also greeting any parents.
  • Hanging out with the teens, help create a fun, friendly culture, e.g. playing table tennis, or even just  sitting and chatting.
  • Helping the teens to focus and engage with the gospel talk.

Practically, are encourage the Youth Team to be responsible for;
  • Compliant with the ChildSafe training and guidelines
  • Set up for Club, including music, Sign In iPad, table tennis, handball, board games, etc.
  • Bringing snacks and a water cooler (& cups).
  • Signing attendees in.
  • Assisting with any big game set-up.
  • Assist with pack down at the end of the Club.

Sometimes, the Youth Team may also need to be;
  • Keeping teens all together at whatever the new location is (e.g. Making sure teens don't walk off) 
  • Aware of the public venue risks like potential interactions with the teens and the public.
  • Prepared for any Health and Safety issues.
  • Monitoring the teens behaviour towards other teens and leaders.

All issues, complaints or conflict should be directed to the appropriate leader for resolution.


Please arrive on time and communicate to the Youth Director well in advance if you are unable to make your allocated service time for some reason.

From 5pm - Youth Director Sets Up

6pm - Leaders Arrive
6.10pm - Leaders pray / run through the agenda
6.30pm - Club begins, hang out time, check in, welcome, play games.
7.45pm - Gather for gospel talk
8pm - All-in Game
8.30pm - Club finishes, pack up
9pm - Venue Closed


All equipment's located in the Welcome Team storage container onsite at the cinema. In this storage container you will find;
  • Lanyards for identification.
  • Signage for key locations.
  • Sign-in iPad.
  • Big Speaker.
  • Equipment/gear for Club (games, etc.)
  • 4Real flyers


We are currently finalising our new location for DC YOUTH. Thanks for your patience.

Thank You!

Thank you for your willingness to serve on the Youth Club Team! We have such an important yet fun role of welcoming teens into the DC Youth and getting an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Youth Director.