Quicklinks: The Team  |  Responsibilities  |  Schedule  |  Equipment  |  Map
📌 Your Team Leader is Matthew Gardiner (Worship Service Assistant)
Welcome to the Worship Team!

We're excited to have you join the Worship Team, where we have the privilege of leading our congregation in praise and adoration of our lord, Jesus! Below, you'll find everything you need to know to serve effectively in the Worship Team.

Our aim is to point people to the beauty and glory of Jesus our King, inviting them to praise Him along with us and all creation. We get the chance to do this together weekly using technical gifts to help the body see and hear, using musical skill and creativity, and through Christ-exalting lyrics, scripture and prayer.

Thanks again for being involved!

Team-Centric Ministry Philosophy

Our goal at DC is to have a volunteer base that is known for its unity and gospel-excellence. By rostering volunteers whenever they are available, these two goals can be tricky to achieve. As a result, our goal at DC is to have our volunteers rostered not as individuals, but as teams. This team-centric ministry philosophy allows an increased unity between volunteers, fostering a deeper relational connection and a higher level of gospel-excellence as volunteers refine their skills within the same team each time they serve.

So far, only the bands have been operating to this team-centric model, but it is something we are looking to synchronise across all departments. This would eventually mean that the lighting, sound and AV members get to work consistently together, as well as with the same band and prayer leaders.

The Team

Within the Worship Collective are three departments.
1. Liturgy Team - lead the congregation through prayer, reading scripture, and the Lord’s Supper.
2. Bands - lead in worship through song and music
3. Production Team - lead through technical design and operation of AV, lighting and sound.
The goal is that each of these departments to be deeply integrated and collaborative, serving each other as we serve together. Below is a break down of each other roles and responsibilities within these teams.

For details information on each of these teams, select the following link;


In order for a Sunday service to run smoothly, it is important that all of our volunteers are mature and equipped for services.

The Worship Team are responsible for;
1. Being well rehearsed and prepared prior to the service
2. Set up in the main worship service space prior to the service
3. Assisting with the content of the worship service (e.g. praying, operating sound, playing instrument).
4. Packing down at the end of the service

Sometimes, the Worship Team may also need to;
  • Problem solve technical difficulties
  • Direct complaints to their leader for resolution

All issues, complaints or conflict should be directed to the appropriate leader for resolution.


Please arrive on time and communicate to the Worship Service Director well in advance if you are unable to make your allocated service time for some reason.

6.45am - Time in the Word
7.00am - Venue Opens / Bump in sound.
7.30am - Band Rehearsal starts / Bump in lighting / Set Up Communion
8.30am - Band Rehearsal ends / Pre-Service Prayer.
8.45am - Pre-Service Begins (Cinema 3 Opens)
9.00am - Service Starts
9.45am - Transition to DC Kids. Assist with traffic. Remove foyer signs.
10.30am - Service ends. / Bump Out
10.45am - Congregation Ushered Out of Cinemas
11.00am - Venue Closed


Most equipment for the Worship Team will be located on site in storage. Please check the team pages for more information about the equipment specific to your team.

Thank You!

Thank you for your willingness to serve in the Worship Team! Your role is vital in creating an inviting environment for worship in our Sunday services. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Team Leader, or the Worship Service Director.

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